Oklahoma's constitution consists of 29 articles with the first 8 pertaining to the states government.
- Currency Act
- The Stamp Act
-Townsend Acts
(In 1773 a law was passed giving the British East India Company tax-free status in the colonies).
In March 1948, the United States Congress passed the Economic Cooperation Act (more popularly known as the Marshall Plan), which set aside $4 billion in aid for Western Europe. By the time the program ended nearly four years later, the United States had provided over $12 billion for European economic recovery.
just pay attention in class
The federal reserve system gave only big banks loans/money to give out to their customers as credit, but many people had money in smaller banks, so when people started to fear after the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and take money out of the banks, not everyone was able to, so the banks went under and some people left without their money. This began to cause deflation, causing prices to drop, businesses cut costs which then requires them to let off workers, which begins the whole cycle again.
<span>Two methods would be paying workers low wages and paying lower prices for raw material</span>