Answer: The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was caused by an earthquake that is thought to have had the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. ... Within hours of the earthquake, killer waves radiating from the epicenter slammed into the coastlines of 11 countries, damaging countries from east Africa to Thailand.
The high of the wave in 2004 tsunami was 100 feet
Explanation: For an earthquake-generated tsunami, the wavelength generally reaches a few hundred kilometres if the concerned fault is long. For the 2004 Sumatra earthquake, the wavelength is estimated, from the first wave measured by the Jason-1 satellite altimeter, as around 500–600 km (Gower 2005).
Most nations that discuss the issue of Palestinian independence call for a "two state solution", meaning that the Jews and the Arabs would have separate states in the region.
North America, the Caribbean, and South America
Years ago Native Americans discovered what they believed was a gold mine. They noticed a herd of 30 to 60 million Buffalo's roaming the plains. The Native Americans hunted the buffalo so they can maintain an accurate amount of food. By the 1700's the Native Americans tamed some of the buffalo, which made hunting easier. The Native Americans moved with the herds so they can have a good supply of food. The Native people used different methods of hunting. One method use is called the Dog Soldier. A group of Native people who are called this, push some of the herd over a cliff so some of the animals would die. During winter they would chance the larger animals onto frozen lakes and slaughter them. The ice made it difficult for the buffalo to run. Warriors did the killing. The woman were responsible for getting the meat. The rest of the buffalo was used for clothing, shelter and weapons. Native American knew that their survival depended on the buffalo. They never killed too many. They only killed wanted they needed and celebrated the life of the buffalo after.