The readers will know that it is Panchito’s point of view because Panchito refers to himself as “I” and “me”. He reflects on only his own, or Panchito's, thoughts. All of the stories are told from Panchito's perspective, or point of view.
Yesterday, the entire family OPENED their gifts at the same time.
It was beautiful outside as the colourful sunset spreaded across the gloomy sky
Minimum wage should be increased for fast-food workers for many reasons. Most people working in fast-food are either teenagers trying to save money up to start a life, or people who can not get a different job with higher pay. These people are depending on the money to have a decent life, and provide. I also think they need higher pay because of all they have to do in their job. They deal with rude customers on a daily basis. They also stress over how good they are dong their job, proper cooking and getting orders right and even saying the right things.
no need :p <3 Ashley <3