This author uses a variety of methods to flow from one idea to the next in this passage, and to improve sentence fluidity. First, the author sets the pace of this moment by placing the reader in a moment in which the action is already happening, which is done by using the phrase "At last". Then, the author pauses, using an em-dash, to give an explanation without stopping the action of the story (considering we are curious at this point as to what is happening "at last"). The author then uses short, descriptive sentences to speed up the action, and draw the reader into the moment.
You shouldn't lend a friend a large amount of money if they are using it for their own personal reasons. You could end up using that money for something you need, instead of something they want. If it isn't for an emergency or something they absolutely need, you should never give a friend a large amount of money, especially if they tend to be unreliable and/or known to not repay people back.
Montresor decides to seek revenge against Fortuanato because he believes that Fortunato has insulted him. The story says "the thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge." We are not told the specifics of this insult.
By the action of the characters. When the characters do something it affects the moon
are you asking something or????