D- Refusing to testify against oneself in court.
As we know, the annual Hunger Games is probably the biggest "tradition" for the Capitol citizens, and we sense that the mood in the Capitol is festive and holiday-like during the pre- and post-Games celebrations.
Explanation: I took the reading Map test
Answer:Hello! I need help with how to start this sentence off. Thank you!
John Doe is at it again. In another one of hi s liberal, big business schemes, he's after taxpayers' pocketbooks, trying to convince them that Phoenix needs a rail system. Phoenicians know better. Our freeways and bus system are doing just fine. S h;lfydince when did Doe regain our trust, anyway? His last idea cost millions and vot
Discuss the options for financial assistance realated to higher education in South Africa
you: Mum and Dad, I need to have a word with you
Dad:- Sure.
You:- Can I please go to the ball with my friends.
Dad:- mhm I am not sure.
You:- Please, Micheal Jackson is showing Up for half an hour of so.
Dad:- what do say Sara(mum)
Mum:- I say we should let her go. When is this ball
You:- tomorrow 8 o clock
Dad:- In that case you have our permission to go.
You:- thank you
( you leave the room)