Answer: spiritual and cultural change
Early missionaries sought to convert and change the culture of indigenous people. Later, Christians and Catholics realized that stripping indigenous people of their culture did not lead to satisfying spiritual relationships. For example, consider a Christian missionary who demands that a man of several wives give up all wives except one. The rejectied wives become homeless and penniless. They are confused as to why a loving God would want them to be alone and rejected when they had simply followed their cultural norms and were very happy doing so. The disruption created great confusion and misunderstanding of the attributes of God.
Native American culture that this picture represents is the "Puebloan".
The Puebloans known to be the Pueblo Indians are known to live in compact permanent settlements. These settlements are known as pueblos.
Their constructions are multistoried, permanent and usually attached. The traditional construction made use of limestone blocks or large adobe bricks. Then later constructions made use of clay and water.
Meiji Constitution, constitution of Japan from 1889 to 1947. After the Meiji Restoration (1868), Japan's leaders sought to create a constitution that would define Japan as a capable, modern nation deserving of Western respect while preserving their own power. The resultant document, largely the handiwork of the genro (elder statesman) Itō Hirobumi, called for a bicameral parliament (the Diet) with an elected lower house and a prime minister and cabinet appointed by the emperor. The emperor was granted supreme control of the army and navy.
<span>He miscalculated the size of the earth and thought he had reached Asia.</span>
the simple fact of the matter is that there is strength in numbers.
The more that you divide based on your beliefs the weaker that you are.
A great example would be the election of 1844, when Henry Clay (remember him- he is one of the most important people to know in US history) ran against James K. Polk for the presidency.
Polk barely won, mostly because he managed to get NY's electoral votes. He won by about 5k votes. The liberty party, which was closer in political views to Clay's Whig party than to Polk's democrat party, got about 15k votes. If they had not run their candidate there is a good chance that Henry Clay would have been president, and while he was not exactly aligned with their views, he was still closer than Polk.
Essentially, people would rather have someone that they agree with on most issues than someone that they disagree with on most issues, so they are willing to compromise and thus the USA has the two party system.
Hope this helps