1 Tell them with videos the real dangers and effects of everyone of the drugs
2 Tell the parents to speak to them
3 inform them of the danger of sexual relations with people the do not know well
4 tell them that under no circumstances they should drive if the drink alcohol
5 Talk to them about the immense possibilities they have in front of them and they will get their dreams true if they work hard , they are honest and respect people .
i don't get it , more info ?
People update outdated cell phones by purchasing smartphone devices.
People purchase solar panels after reading about the effects of burning coal.
People start grocery shopping online as new grocery applications are published.
Options B, C and E.
The statements that are given here talk about the change in the cultural practices of the people with the incoming of the Science and technology in their life and having an advancement of technology.
Like when people change their devices which have gone outdated to replace them with the new ones, or changing ways of shopping things from the older to new and more modern methods is change in the cultural practices because of Science.