"Carla thought that temperature might affect mold growth and that less mold would grow on bread stored in cold conditions"
Carla's initial hypothesis was that less mold would grow if there was less light. Having his hypothesis proved incorrect by her experiment, she changed it at the end to thinking that mold growth is more related to temperature.
The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord.
Receiving sensory information and carrying commands to the muscles.
The spinal cord serves as the transmission conduit for the passage of action potential as sensory information through the sensory/afferent neurons to the dorsal roots of the spinal cord.The information synapse with the inter neurons,branching off to the brain and emerged as the response through the motor/efferent neurons to the effectors(muscles).
This pathways is called reflex arc. Thus most of the involuntary action of the body is conducted through the spinal cord
The DNA is not replicated by the way the cells are used to exist
The elements are pure forms of matter that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.