B farming produce a surplus of food
Those who examine the impact of the Holocaust on politics deal with the extent, depth, type, and dynamics of the impact but not with the impact itself. The impact itself is considered axiomatic because it is so sweeping and vast. Since the issue is so large and made up of so many overt and covert associations - direct and indirect, Jewish and pan-human, immediate and belated, ethical and practical - a general framework that presents and diagnoses the matter becomes, by nature, a telegraphic prologue to innumerable studies already carried out and yet to come.
America went through a tough time during this age. The government was very corrupt and authority could easily be bribed. This is why court cases against these things could not easily be won, because of the corruption.
( RACISM IS THE ANSWER ). With its organizing principles of biological determinism, racism first
'politicized' our hair by burdening it with a range of negative social and psychological 'meanings'.