A italy and B ireland. immigrated heavily during the immigration period in 1890s
As a country that relies on immigrant resources as its strength, Israel's Jews have two characteristics that perhaps few other countries have, that is, adventurousness and extreme nationalism.
Since the founding of the nation, Israel has conceived that, for the national economy to really take off, three additional factors need to be added: a new wave of immigration, a new war, and a new venture capital industry.
Israel is a country that always welcomes the return of Jews around the world. As soon as they arrived in Israel the day before, the next day, they were recognized as nationals and enjoyed all the same benefits as all those who have settled here for a long time.
he looked at his reelection as a show of trust from the people because people should vote for people that they trust to rule the nation.
Hugo Chavez was the President of <u>Venezuela</u> from Feb 2nd, 1999 to March 5th, 2013.