Answer: 10 million Africans had been sold by the 1800s, about into slavery in the Americas.
The price of goods rose as wages decreased
Answer:A. Most had little direct connection, because they owned small farms.
Abel brought the firstlings of his flock and Cain brought Fruit of the ground (Genesis 4)
The story of this discourse was revealed in an article written by historian Paul Kengor in Crisis magazine. The author recalls that Tony Dolan, the main author of Reagan's speeches, was a devout Catholic who knew Fatima well. Dolan confirmed to Kengor that the President, although not Catholic, was aware of the phenomenon.
“He knew about Fatima. Fatima was an important part of the anti-communist movement. The Fatima movement was something he would have known, and besides, he had a very strong mystical strand. ”
So Dolan included the phrase in the speech: “I knew he would like it and would use it. I was sure. It was very cheeky. ”