A closing tag
A tag in HTML is the core building block that marks the presence of an element. If the element has text or another element within it, it is marked using a two-sided tag and in which case, the opening tag indicates the content’s beginning and a closing tag indicates the end of the content
A hacker searching for open ports denotes vulnerability of computer (to hacking).
The answer that fits the blank is GLOBAL GROOVE. Global Groove has been one of the most notable work in the history of video art because of the use of distorted images produced from a synthesizer and this modulated signals on the video. The Global Groove is a video from year 1973.
The following code is written in Python. It creates a class that takes in one ArrayList parameter and loops through it and calls two functions that check if the numbers are Perfect, Odd, or Even. Then it goes counting each and printing the final results to the screen.
class NumberAnalyzer:
def __init__(self, myArray):
perfect = 0
odd = 0
even = 0
for element in myArray:
if self.isPerfect(element) == True:
perfect += 1
if self.isEven(element) == True:
even += 1
odd += 1
print("# of Perfect elements: " + str(perfect))
print("# of Even elements: " + str(even))
print("# of Odd elements: " + str(odd))
def isPerfect(self, number):
sum = 1
i = 2
while i * i <= number:
if number % i == 0:
sum = sum + i + number / i
i += 1
if number == sum:
return True
return False
def isEven(self, number):
if (number % 2) == 0:
return True
return False