Answer in Spanish lenguaje for a question in Spanish too. El actual Papa se denomina El Sumo Pontífice, o simplemente el Papa, su nombre es Jorge Mario Bergoglio pero se ha denominado Papa Francisco, es originario de Argentina, tiene <span>76 años, es arzobispo de Buenos Aires</span><span> y es el primer Papa de origen Latinoamericano. Es el Papa número 266 y asumió ese cargo desde el día </span>13 de marzo<span> del año </span>2013.
Roads created improved trade routes over long distances
I believe that the individual should receive some sort of support from the Government. I believe this because, the government already gives money to people who have lost their jobs, so it does not make sense if they do not give money to people who have lost their homes as well.
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For Federalists, the Constitution was required in order to safeguard the liberty and independence that the American Revolution had created.
After the advent of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century, Islam started its expansion towards eastern regions through trade encouraged by the development of the maritime Silk Roads. Muslims were known to have a commercial talent notably encouraged by Islam, as well as excellent sailing skills.