Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
It is an over-exaggeration
Before the Civil War, the Free-Soil movement and the Republican Party embraced this idea for the American West: a territory reserved for small white farmers, unchallenged by the wealthy plantation owners who could buy up vast tracts of land and employ slave labor.
1. Federal Government
2. More power for the States
During the formation of the Constitution in the United States known as the Constitutional Convention, it was revealed that the North generally supported the idea of a stronger FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
The south, on the other hand, feared Constant interference from the north and wanted "More power for the States."
This is based on the idea that the political elites of the North do not favor slavery which is based on the fact that their economic growth is not based on the exploitation of slavery.
However, the political elites of the South favor slavery simply because their Agricultural based economy thrives best on the exploitation of slavery.
The answer for your question is Spain