The following sentence is punctuated correctly. Well, I said my prayers; however, he simply turned and limped off.
Answer: True
I believe it is D. a new room will be automatically added to the table
answer :
fruits,vegetables and fish
Thornton Wilder's who is our Town incorporates unusual theatrical devices which are for creating a play which was radical in comparison to temperance plays of the time and the melodramas. The uniqueness on the narration of our Town uses asides to directly connect with the audience and to break the fourth wall.
The design set is so minimal such that it requires the audience to imagine the settings and props. Play breaks away from demands participation of the audience and from restrictions of realism. The whole of the play Wilder builds a theme of universality when referencing ideas and feelings that transcend location and time.
Through the use of flashbacks, he manipulates time, which emphasizes more on ideas that human life is being fleeting. He represents large numbers and presents town which is far away perspective to illustrate the idea such that human life is important in the context of the universe.
The anecdote tells about the censorship of a book. In some countries of the world, government forces impose selection criteria on artistic and cultural production.
This episode is the fictionalization of a situation of repression that has happened repeatedly in history. In the famous book by Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" the burning of books is one of the central themes of the plot.
The fragment describes the situation of censorship and burning of a book that belongs to the narrator. Instantly produces the reader's empathy with this character whose work has been destroyed.