Just ask him!
If you start giving hints little by little maybe you can find out if he does or not
You can sort the contacts list by any contact field, making it easy to display contacts in the order in which you need them to appear. Outlook offers two ways to change the sort order: Use the Arrange By menu to choose the field you want to sort by. In the contacts list, click the column heading for the field you want to sort by.
Meg is the protagonist and the story and went through many changes.
Explanation: In the beginning of the story she is very timid, shy, insecure, and awkward. She has many issues when it comes to self-worth because she get's bad grades in school, she's constantly compared to her parents, and she tends to be quite immature. In chapter 1 on page 3 one of the girls tells her "After all, Meg, we aren't grammar-school kids any more. Why do you always act like such a baby?" because Meg decides to go a little crazy during lunch. But, at some point she decides to step up and try to find her father but is taking care of her little brother at the same time. She opens up and is willing to try new things and trust and love people as well as overcomes he fears.
2)old mutt
7)a teenager deeply interested in engineering, exploring, and creating things
8)he believes that gaming and technology can help grow the brain to expand one's learning
9)people to reject computers
environmental and social responsibility Foreign policy