Hitler bombed the League of Nations headquarters
It kept the church from gaining to much power and the govt from gaining too much power it went both ways to cause neutral power between the two.
Because that is the only answer that makes sense to me. Probation is after that correct? First they would file the complaint for her to be brought in.
For this all you have to do is read over it and get some small facts and info, Instead of just one paragraph write 2 it will get you extra credit, but if you dont want to do that skim read it write down some facts and explain the facts.
The purpose of this model has been developed to aid health care managers in making more quality decisions, which ultimately determines the success of organizations. The DECIDE model is the acronym of 6 particular activities needed in the decision-making process: (1) D = define the problem, (2) E = establish the criteria, (3) C = consider all the alternatives, (4) I = identify the best alternative, (5) D = develop and implement a plan of action, and (6) E = evaluate and monitor the solution and feedback when necessary. The DECIDE model is intended as a resource for health care managers when applying the crucial components of decision making, and it enables managers to improve their decision-making skills, which leads to more effective decisions