The challenges Cooper faced impacted her professional and personal life in the following ways:
Cooper made contributions in the feminist philosophy, standpoint theory and epistemology and African-American philosophy which made a significant impact on her professional life.
Although Copper was mistook as an elitist due to her association with the western philosophical canon, languages, and advanced mathematics. She achieved several achievements due the commitment sh showed in the education field and community service.
This question is rather old but I always make up a new answer when I scroll by it >w<
Animals can in fact understand us humans and other animals. They show this by reactin to us with body movements and sounds. I don’t believe that they understand our language, but they understand our tone of voice and behavior. Aka, why we are able to train animals :)
1. Mr.Bennet pays a visit to Netherfeild Hall
2. Mr.Dacy snubs Elizabeth at the ball
3. Jane falls ill and has to stay at Netherfield
4. Mr.Dacy finds himself succumbing to Elizabeths charms
5. Elizabeths refuses Mr.Collins marriage