Citing your sources allows readers of your work to easily find the sources to which you've referred. If you do not cite the sources upon which your research is based, you will be guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism is using the ideas and writings of others and representing them as your own
to give motivation and stop people who belittle others that this world doesn't belong to them alone
Liken, equivalent, equate
the main topics that come up repeatedly.
Dearest Uncle,
I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty…
Seriously though, how are you?
I am very much looking forward to school, I am working two jobs right now to earn enough for the requirements. With my families help so far and my hard work I still cannot afford to get I am determined to do well in school and to earn the things i need, but if you have the means and will to help I would graciously accept. It’s ok if you can’t, I understand. Also I will write you once school starts to stay in touch and let you know how it goes.
Hope you are well,