To be honest, I googled this, so reword your answer, but hopefully this helps.
In the book, Bud's mother passed away when he was just six years old. Since then, he has been living in foster homes and orphanages. He only as a couple of items that were his mother's to remember her by. One of the items is a flyer for a musician, Herman E. Calloway. Bud is convinced that this is his father and sets out to find him. Throughout the book, Bud is determined to find the man who he thinks is his father. This illustrates the theme of the importance of family.
Bud finds out the Herman E. Calloway is not his father, but his grandfather. Bud then is left to wonder why his mother ran away from her family, and if she was unhappy enough to run away, why did she keep flyers of her father and his band? These questions once again center around the theme of family importance.
1. The catastrophic epidemic caused mayhem in the city.
2. The grotesque Nazi regiment took control of France.
3. The Train incident was used as leverage to attack China.
in,by,on,for,to,at,by,on,at,at,for, under, in, in, from, to, by, off, on, with, at, up,m on, of, by.
hope this helps! have a great day and please mark as brainliest.
It basically means to die, suffer