<span>Zeus is one of the powerful gods of Greek mythology. In the story of Antigone by Sophocles, he punishes the rebels. It is because he despises the arrogance and proud persona of the rebels. He hates someone who denies a burial, however, Creon fails to look into his message.</span>
Answer: <u>a few</u> people.....
i m tired because i got very <u>few</u> sleep at night
i ll only need <u>a few</u> more minutes to finish my homework
is there any milk left 'yes, <u>a little</u>
i posted that comment <u>a few </u>days ago
i had <u>a few</u> subscribers to my video blog.....
Please limit your serving to the size of a handful.
You should calculate how many mg of calcium are in each calorie of your food.
Although considered healthy, remember that smoothies are often high in carbohydrates.
Try to replace saturated fats in your diet with unsaturated fats, like avocados, nuts, and seeds.
The three types of macronutrients are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Trans fats should be avoided and are often found in snacks like potato chips, cookies, and candy.
The human body requires six essential nutrients in order to function properly.
Saturated fats are typically found in meat and dairy products and should be eaten in moderation.
Fiber is found in plant-based foods and aids in digestion.
Vitamins and minerals are good examples of micronutrients.
In the novel “<em>Nectar in a Sieve</em>” by Kamala Markandaya (1954), one of the main themes is the contrast between the tradition (Part 1) and the modern (Part 2), or the rural life and the city life. While <u>Part 1</u> takes place in an unnamed village in rural India, <u>Part 2</u> takes place in an unnamed major city in urban India. The author used imagery throughout the novel in order to call the reader’s attention. This technique is used <u>to represent objects, actions, and ideas in a way that it appeals to the reader’s physical senses</u>. For example, Markandaya used onomatopoeia together with imagery in the following passage “<em>… a click-clank of stone on stone with intermittent dull explosions</em>”. Water is also an example of imagery in the novel, since the patterns of the rain portray Rukmani’s view of the world and the balance of certainty and uncertainty, the good times and the bad ones. Moreover, water was also an important element in <u>Nathan’s death</u> and <u>for the women</u>.
The author's use of clues to hint at what will happen later in the story.