To me, this rule means to never let anyone get you down. Always believe the best in yourself no matter what others think. This rule means that others options of myself dont matter, because the only way I can succeed is if I believe in myself. So this rule is important because it helps me remember self-confidence and not to give in to the doubt that others have placed on my shoulders.
1 Peter 5:7. Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
The line that suggests the son and father relationship in the poem is <u>"Speaking indifferently to him,
<u>who had driven out the cold
<u>and polished my good shoes as well"</u>
'Those Winter Sundays' is a poem written by Robert Hayden. The poem is reflection of the speaker to his childhood days, when his father would lit up the fire on winter sundays to make to house warm for his family. The adult speaker also reflects upon his relationship with his father and how indifferent he was towards his love in childhood.
The line that best describes the relationship between the son and the father in poem is <em>"Speaking indifferently to him,
/who had driven out the cold
/and polished my good shoes as well..." </em>These lines from the third stanza of the poem reflects the relationship between the son and the father.
In these lines, the speaker narrates that how much emotionally far away was he from his father, when he asserts that he spoke 'indifferently' with him, who drove out cold and polished his shoes well. The next lines shows father's self-less care and love towards his son, even after his son's indifferent behavior.
Option a)
This news is true which our uncle told yesterday.
Here we are not sure that there is one news or more than one news but still we use singular form