The allusion to the apostle Judas, who betrayed Jesus warns listeners not to be deceived by the apparently mild British reaction to the colonists' petitions against tax laws.
main source of income
It would only make sense, because bread is known as money at least in slang and butter is how fast you can make money aka bread. Thus, it would be the main source of income. The passage is first explaining what Internet piracy is. Piracy means taking something that doesn't originally belong to them, also known as stealing. Or butter could mean, <u>something that occurs everyday</u>, and no one <em>cares</em> enough to stop it.
"Once the law is broken, only then will more people begin to break it, because they could all be wanting the same thing, but they want it to be dealt with in their own way."
It's a dove because it's white and pure
Yes . Because it's not "you're" cause you are not gonna say "how did you are test go?"