The League of Five Nations
The chief appointed to lead over the Grand Council of the Iroquois League. The Chief (Tadodaho) of the League always selected from the Onondaga Nation "keepers of the council fire". The Iroquois League is the oldest form of government in America. The league created by five American Indian tribes. These tribes included Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga, Seneca, and Mohawk called the Five Nations of the League.
What was the greatest community impact of the Oklahoma City bombing? Individuals experienced significant emotional pain years after the event. allowed terrorists to murder thousands of citizens.
The six purposes of the Constitution found in the Preamble are: 1) form a more perfect union. 2) establish Justice. 3) insure domestic tranquility. 4) provide for common defense. 5) promote the general welfare. 6) secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.