Answer: In other words, Iris was MOST interested in defining her ancestral kinship in terms of a descent group.
What is a descent group?
A descent group refers to family relations that are based on ancestry.
Great great great grandparents refers to ancestry line and if these are from both families which means from her mother's side and her father's side this descent is referred to as a unilineal society. When Iris starts to look to at who married to the family now she is considering or looking at the matrilineal descent.
That looks like when most of the troops drafted into the Vietnam War
Men in unskilled manual labor are 5 times more likely to die prematurely than men working in professions.
Manual labor or physical labor is physical labor performed by humans, especially as opposed to machine labor, but also by working animals. It is literally the work done with the hands and figuratively with all the muscles and bones of the body.
Manual labor is defined as work that requires physical skill and energy, but some people describe it as a little looser. For example,
Electricians, Plumbers, Plasterers, and Machinists all count as manual workers because they don't work at their desks. However, it requires extensive training to be effective. There is also semi-skilled manual work, based on some training and experience, but without formal qualifications.
Learn more about unskilled labor here: