<span>Essential part of the maculae involved in static equilibrium is otoliths. The otolith organs sense gravity and linear acceleration such as from due to initiation of movement in a straight line. Persons or animals without otolith organs are imbalanced. The otolithic organs sense motion according to their orientation.</span>
Musculus is the latin word for muscle
The environmental factors which need to be investigated before clearing the land can involve living and non-living factors. The land clearing will remove species of animals and plants acquiring their habitat in the forest. The loss of floral species will affect the faunal species. The faunal species will extinct, decrease in number or may migrate to different locations. Therefore, complete loss of biodiversity will result.
This will also result in disturbance important cycles in nature like water, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon which will lead to disturbance of rainfall, seasonal or weather changes. Soil an important non-living factor will loose it's fertility due to soil erosion.
The 120 miligram per 100 milliliter of the sugar suggests that the blood is hyperglycemic.
the hyperglycemia is the condition, in which the blood sugar level increases than the normal blood sugar levels. The main cause of the insulin is decreased function of the insulin hormone. The condition, in which the insulin is not working properly and is unable to metabolise the sugar (glucose) present in the blood is known as Diabetes.
So, the given case can be a result of diabetes.
When every dilution of your sample results in a plate that is too few to count we should filter the original sample and use most probable number method .
Probable number method count and determine the number of bacteria in a culture, plate aliquots of the dilutions onto agar with sterile pipettes, spread with glass sticks, incubate at 37°C and count the number of colonies. It is imperative that you utilize your best culture technique.
Not all bacterial cells produce colonies, as some bacteria tend to clump or aggregate, and some are nonviable. For this reason results are reported as colony forming units (CFU)/ml of bacterial culture. Ideally only plates with 25-250 colonies are used.
To learn more about bacteria , here