maybe something that electorial college is a thing and a more complicated process, something other then the poles
i hope this sparked your mind :)
If this is what I'm thinking then it's like Japan's history. Where Japan was basically run by feudal lords and their loyal clans. until Japan started to becomes westernized. It's affects where a civil war between the samurai fighting for the old ways and the new Japan military who were fighting for railroads and a new age that would disgrace the samurai's life style.
to Gen Z no but to older generations Yes
This is because wit the older generations that was how they were taught and they don,t know what other races were going through i the past. Where as with Gen Z thanks to the media we now Know what happend and that everyone should be treated the same no matter how you look.
Nearly 25 million Europeans immigrated to the U.S
Back in the day, child labour during the progressive era was difficult to manage. There were no substantial laws to protect the children from child labour. Laws were being formulated as a part of the progressive movement.
There are many laws which protect the children from child labour that there be specified time of work, minimum wage which will be provided to them, there will be certain fields and occupations they will not be allowed to work. and they will have to authenticate their age and have a work permit.
Child labour contributions are not minimum, child labours are naive and unable to defend themselves. Th e person does not have to pay themselves less.
Child labour was a massive business back in the days, People would sell their children and or siblings etc just because they were poor and there was not enough bread to go around.