because they would be seperate from the blacks because they thought that blacks were u know... not people and dont need the same rights...
The event that has been of greatest benefit to Latin America, was the battle that Simón Bolivar waged for the liberation of the peoples of the south, several countries of Latin America functioned as Spanish viceroyalties, and were ruled under Spanish law, their lands, wealth and benefits were used by foreigners, and although Simon Bolivar comes from Spanish parents, he decided to fight to liberate countries such as Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Panama, those battles were the most important in the history of South America, they served to open the doors to Independence of the south, autonomy and the recovery of identity.
La historia de las matemáticas es el área de estudio de investigaciones sobre los orígenes de descubrimientos en matemáticas, de los métodos de la evolución de sus conceptos y también en cierto grado, de los matemáticos involucrados. El surgimiento de la matemática en la historia humana está estrechamente relacionado con el desarrollo del concepto del número, proceso que ocurrió de manera muy gradual en las comunidades humanas primitivas. Aunque disponían de una cierta capacidad de estimar tamaños y magnitudes, no poseían inicialmente una noción de número. Así, los números más allá de dos o tres, no tenían nombre, de modo que utilizaban alguna expresión equivalente a "muchos" para referirse a un conjunto mayor.1
Answer: During the Venezuelan crisis (2010-present) many things happened:
- National and per capita GDPs between 2013-2017 were lower than those of the US during the Great Depresion.
- +240 deaths, +18400 injuries and +34000 detained.
- Venezuela has developed an estimated debt of 105 billion US$.
- There have been constant shortages of all types of products, even basic necessities like toilet paper or medicine.
- Venezuela´s unemployment rate increased drastically and the country´s economy became one of the poorest in the world.