Before 9/11/2001, the United States was free of anxious attacks to its land, and the U.S had no worries about any terrorists attacks that was going to occur, so they were relaxing. After 9/11 occurred, the U.S has became in shocked and wanted to make changes that would prevent terrorism. The U.S responded by being prepared, anticipating, and give out warnings. The U.S started to prepare for another terrorists attack after 9/11, they started to change the cockpits of a plane so that no one could hijack it form outside, only the pilot could open it from the inside. The U.S did anything that they could to make it safe for the people of the United States to not worry about an attack, and took all of the safety measures to do so. The U.S also started to anticipate for terrorists attack, meaning that they started to look for clues to determine whether or not someone or a group of people are going to make an attack. The U.S also made their warnings systems better, so when that there were a terrorist attack to occur, they can warn the people before it actually happens, and that is where anticipating for terrorists attacks help out a lot.
Incomplete question. However, I inferred from a historical perspective.
Thomas Gage (General Thomas Gage) was is a famous British general that controlled a large portion of British soldiers in North America during the British colonial era.
His statement likely came at a time when there was large opposition coming from Boston over perceived injustices from the government. Hence, his statement meant they (those in power) were losing or not in control over Boston.
a society without a hereditary aristocary
Most single issued parties have been short lived.