Micaiah is one of the four disciples of Elijah. He told the prophesy that the battle Ahab wanted to enter would end poorly for Ahab. Sure enough Ahab dies in the battle.
The meaning of life, as we perceive it, is derived from philosophical and religious contemplation of, and scientific inquiries about existence, social ties, consciousness, and happiness. ... Science also studies and can provide recommendations for the pursuit of well-being and a related conception of morality.
Guy De Maupassant Wrote about the Paris Society.
3x + 7 = x - 15
First, make sure to subtract

from both sides.
Second, simplify 3x - x to get 2x, and then keep the 7.
Third, subtract

from both sides.
Fourth, simplify -15 - 7 to get -22.
Fifth, take the 2 and divide both sides by it, keeping the

by itself.
Sixth, since 11 goes into 2 to get 22, simplify the fraction to 11.

x = -11