A new concept that became popular with department stores was using credit cards, and buying on credit: it allowed the users t posses good they cannot afford and on the other hand gave more revenue to the shops and they could charge interest.
Does it have multiple choice? I know the answer, I just want to make sure it's in the multiple choice.
What Are Byzantine Icons? An icon is a work of art, typically of religious nature; derived from the Greek word eikōn, meaning 'image. ' The most common icons are of religious figures: ranging from Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, or angels. ... This gesture is known as “she who points the way,” or the Virgin Hodegetria.
European economy and landscape was in shambles as countries struggled to repair from the damage done to it through advancements in technology and war strategy.
There are 3 branches and Presidential is not one of them. So Presidential is the answer