iambic meter rather simply as lines of poetry containing iambs. But what's an iamb? When talking about poetic meter, the most basic unit is known as a metrical 'foot.' An iamb is such a foot having two syllables: the first unstressed, or 'weak,' and the second stressed.
Answer: The answer is provided below.
The American Dream—that which hard work can lead a person from rags to riches has always been a core facet of the American identity since its inception. People came from different parts of the world to America seeking freedom and wealth. The Great Gatsby depicted the tide turning east, as people flock to New York City looking for stock market fortunes. This was portrayed in the Great Gatsby shift as the symbol of the corruption of the American Dream. It is no longer a vision of life building but just about getting rich.
Gatsby symbolizes the corrupted Dream and also the original uncorrupted Dream. Gatsby sees wealth as the solution to his problems, seeks money through shady schemes, and also reinvents himself so much and he becomes disconnected from his past. Also, Gatsby's corrupt dream of wealth is triggered by an incorruptible love he has for Daisy.
Gatsby's failure doesn't prove the American Dream but rather it proves a folly of short cutting that dream by allowing materialism and corruption to prevail over integrity, hard work, and real love.
The use of on the other hand, also, and in other words, are c. They transition to another thought. These words are usually used in transitioning sentences to begin a new thought!
I hope this helps you!