Man should never work for the machine, machine should work for the man.
Answer: I believe
"When you think of Astronaut's"
In Shadowshaper, gentrification is a main theme. Gentrification refers to renovating a neighborhood to bring it up to certain standards. The author uses the reaction of the local residents to new buildings and establishments in Brooklyn to illustrate that gentrification creates negative feelings among the local residents.
Manny and his friends in the Junklot represent the old Brooklyn. Manny represents a tie to an even older Brooklyn and its heritage by representing a tie to Brooklyn’s spiritual past. These men show their dislike for the gentrification of Brooklyn by wanting Sierra to paint a mural on the façade of the building that represents the gentrification of Brooklyn on their block. To them, the mural communicates the message that they “spit on” (2) gentrification efforts and they think that it is “stupid” (2). The author uses Sierra’s description of Bennie’s changing neighborhood to show that...
I would say go for your dreams because even though things could be difficult right now they could get better for you. And if you don't go for your dreams then you might wonder back and regret that you didn't cause you never know how far you can get in life if you don't try to go for it live while you can and who knows you could become a really successful person in the future.