It's when the Giant Peach falls and it goes into the sea. This is where the story begins.
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A monopolistically competitive firm is one that is in competition with many other firms selling identical but not the same products. A monopolist is a business entity that has dominated the market and is in control of a particular product in the market.
So, the above statement means that "The Beatles," were once in competition with other firms selling products that were similar to theirs. Now, however, "The Beatles" are the only suppliers of the product they sell and are in control of that particular market.
In the binary (good vs. evil) epic world of Beowulf, the king is a defender of law and order, and Grendel is the villain who challenges these principles. But neither the king nor Grendel act on their own. The king is God's representative on Earth and a protector of all his subjects. On the other hand, Grendel is not an ordinary villain or a monster. He is the descendant of Cain, Biblical figure who killed his own brother. As a creature of hell, he mustn't touch the king's throne, which is God's endowment. In other words, the one who symbolizes the Devil must stay away from God's symbols.