The idea of the political party goes back the First Triumvirate of Rome. Marcus Crassus, Gnaeus Pompeius, and Gaius Julius all came to the realisation that they could cement their political power by forming an alliance. In this case it ended disastrously with Julius invading Rome, Pompeius having to fight him (and losing), and Gaius Julius getting to drop “Gaius” from the common usage of his name and add “Caesar” to the end of it.
Despite the outcome, the idea of creating a political power bloc has remained in any system of government that it can exist in. It allows the members to exercise more power and present a united front. Love them or hate them, it’s easy to find out what a major political party generally stands for.
At our last election, we had a series of independents running locally. Most had no website and no signage up around town. The only information I could find on them was a short write-up in the local paper. The write-ups tended to focus on one issue. For example, one candidate was a former nurse and passionate about protecting the healthcare system. That didn’t tell me how she felt about climate change, education, infrastructure, social policies, or anything else. No, it was way easier to vote for a political party.
It was an attempt to make a nation entirely catholic
Answer: Kievan Rus is also called as the land of Rus. It is located in Russia.
The internal cause of the down fall: The empire weaken by the collapse of the commercial trade with the Byzantine empire and this lead to major economic crises in 12th century.
The various rival regional powers were influencing the working of the state.
The external cause of the down fall: The Mongol invasion in 1240s caused the complete fall of the state.
where are the answer choices?
Hercules was the son of the Greek god Zeus.
After Hercules committed the sin of murdering his family, the Greek god Apollo assigned 12 heroic labors to Hercules in order to rid him of the guilt of killing his family.