The Code of Hammurabi is focused upon providing retribution for those who are wronged is False
b because she cant get education if school is shut
limit funding for executive activities
reject presidential nominees
The principle of checks and balances within the three arms of government; Judiciary, Legislature and Executive was created so that no arm of the government would have too much power and each arm of government can check and balance each other.
This created what is called separation of powers and in this, the executive can limit some powers of the judiciary, or legislature, and vice versa.
Some of the roles of the legislature in checking the power of the executive branch include limit funding for executive activities and rejection of presidential nominees.
adjectives is your answer.
dear blah blah blah ,
i think it is a really bad idea to let you drive till your 18 because
kids need freedom and it a good idea to let lem drive when ther 16
what if their i need to go to the hospital they don have a phone and no one around and they need to drivem there self or someone else to the hostiple then when there 18 that person could be dead or omething so i think it is a good idea to let kids drive when there 16
sencirly blah blah balh