These two characters are not similar whatsoever. Eurymachus is a deceitful person, always scheming, thinking of plans how to enjoy himself and doesn't care about others. He even wanted to kill Odysseus' son Telemachus. He treats everyone with disrespect and is extremely arrogant. These are not adjectives that describe Odysseus, even though he did show arrogance when defeating the Cyclops.
Thesis statement for given essay topic on Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age
essay. All essay must include; Introduction that includes a thesis statement, background information on topic, your position on topic with supporting evidence, counter argument with supporting evidence and conclusion.
Are video games actually to blame for kids' desires to act out violence?
Do extracurricularessay. All essay must include; Introduction that includes a thesis statement, background information on topic, your position on topic with supporting evidence, counter argument with supporting evidence and conclusion.
Are video games actually to blame for kids' desires to act out violence?
Do extracurricular
Answer: got it correct!
the commas are in the right place like it's supposed to be!! ^^
1. Don’t lose hope
Consider the line: "Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
2. Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall,
Consider which lines refer to a universal experience that every person has.
3. Suspense and Drama
Consider what happens as the steps rise.
4. The sentence “He sounds bitter to me” should be revised to reflect neutrality.
Consider which change would eliminate bias from the essay
5. During your freshman year (ninth grade), you take Algebra I if you did not take it already.
Consider words that clarify but are not essential.
I give you guarantee you will get all the answers correct. I just took the test and they were all right
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