intellectual, hardworking, successful.
he more we interact with someone, the greater chance we have to shape his or her life in a positive or negative way and vice versa. Therefore, the people who tend to become the greatest influencers in our lives tend to be those closest to us—our friends and fami
As always, Shakespeare makes use of a good deal of blank verse, which is to say unrhymed iambic pentameter. The verses in the caskets and the comments of Morocco and Aragon thereon are in trochaic tetrameter, without the weak beat of the last trochee, as Dum-da Dum-da Dum-da Dum. The rhythm of "Tell me where is fancy bred" is similar: it may be scanned as iambic tetrameter as well as trochaic.
Hopefully thats what ur looking for, hope this helps!!!
The answer is B.
Took the test four days ago :)
Let’s meet for lunch Tuesday at noon.