Don't run into any of the following: a tree, a mailbox, or a lamppost.
She wants to establish credibility and gain the respect of her audience.
Ethos is all about establishing one's authority to speak about a topic, like saying, "As a doctor, I am qualified enough to say that..."
In "Sinners in the hands of an angry God", Edwards argue that the natural elements such as the sun, the earth, the air and animals were created by God not to please us and for us to make whatever we want with them. He created them for us to serve Him with them and nothing else.
No hablo inglés, así que solo intento conseguir un punto yaaa, un pequeño feo
Definition of Altruism ;
is the belief that the well-being of others is equally, if not more, important than the well-being or survival of the self. Further, altruism involves selfless acts or undertakings that put the welfare of others before one's own.
An example of altruism in a sentence would be , Politicians are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism.