True to some extent
the act killed the act of giving rebates to specific companies and those who received or gave rebates were subject to heavy fines which implied that this act was curtailed meaning that competition was encouraged.
The Greeks were able to regroup. To defend against the Persians, Athens formed the Delian League, making the city-state the most powerful in Greece. In response to the growing power of Athens, the Spartans formed their own league, and the two powers went to war.
A Korea is still divided to this day
<span>B.For the first time, the federal government stepped in to help workers in a labor dispute.</span>
<span>Federal disaster relief quickly disperses to victims of natural disasters in the hopes that the economy will stabilize more quickly than if the relief must be legislated. Relief comes in the form of assistance for individuals and business, public assistance, and hazard migration assistance.</span>