D. thought the shah promoted a culture of materialism.
Khomeini was born in Iran in the year 1900. His full name is Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. But he was well known as the Ayatollah Khomeini to the Western world.
He was the "Supreme Leader" of Iran. Khomeini was Iranian religious as well as political leader.
Many Muslim leaders including Ayatollah Khomeini opposed the Shah of Iran as they thought that Shah was promoting a culture of materialism. According to Khomeini, if on needs to better understand and obey the will of God, then one needs to abandon the material and the earthly pleasures of life.
Promotion could have multiple meanings.
For example, if you say "Mr. Knight got promoted (or got a promotion) from supervisor to manager". There promotion means "raise".
If a product is at promotion there promotion means advertising efforts.
It could also refer to a way to support a cause. For example: There's a campaing supporting healthy lifestyle promotion.