Subject. Subject is a description of the topic of the message and displays in most email systems that list email messages individually. ...
Sender (From). This is the sender's Internet email address. ...
Date and time received (On). ...
Reply-to. ...
Recipient (To:). ...
Recipient email address. ...
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Friendship. In the novel, Huck and Jim are showing friendship by always defending one another. Huck made sure to find where Jim is and even gives away his 10¢ to get some information on where he was taken.
The answer is B because deer is the animal for hunting
The following statement from Lady Macbeth explains it.
"Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead
Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood
That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed,
I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal;
For it must seem their guilt."