"Thousands of men, women, and children marched 1,000 miles fro, Georgia to Oklahoma over rough terrain."
Julia Alvarez is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic and she dreams of integrating into the American society so well, that no one can tell where she is from. "I just wanted to be Judy and merge with the Sallys and the Janes in my class." Although she was born in New York, her features and skin color give away her heritage.
It's because some people think that the the teachers they have might act like their second mother.
He wants some peace and quiet so he can think
According to the book The Night The Bed Fell, the father decides to stay in the attic so that he can get away from everyone else as they were all acting strangely.
However, this decision will come back to bite him because while in the attic, the bed fell on him.