Most commonly "C", because they would want the reader to understand that something is different. Yes, they can change the style whenever they want to, but it would be more meaningful if they did it for a reason.
Matching is as shown below:
1. pronoun with no specific antecedent - indefinite pronoun
2. determined by function - case
3. consistency between subject and verb or pronoun and antecedent - agreement
4. subject case - nominative
5. clarifies or renames preceding noun - appositive
6. clause with implied subject or verb - elliptical clause
7. adjective phrase without word to modify - dangling construction
8. points out which one - demonstrative pronoun
9. two-word pronoun - reciprocal pronoun
It means that the native way has experienced discourage from others and no respect. It means that people from the same culture were rejected or we can also say ignored in this case.
Scorned is the word that means ignored. The person who is scorn means that he does not have respect for others and for what they are thinking, it means also that the person is disliking something and does not approve of it.
In this case it would mean that people from the same culture and nation have experienced rejection.
Principles or standards of behavior i<u>s the best definition of the term values</u>. Values are principles, standards that an individual/group of people hold in high regard (something that we hold dear, those qualities which we consider to be of worth). They are formed by a particular belief that is related to the worth of an idea or type of behavior. Their purpose is to guide the way we live our lives and the decisions we make (they can influence many of the judgments we make). Honesty, justice, and generosity are some examples of values.
In writing, citing an author means you quote, paraphrase or summarize the words of an external source and author and therefore should acknowledge this information is not yours through parenthetical documentation or citations. This according to the MLA manual which is the most common manual followed in academical writing can be included by writing the last name of the author and the page number in parentheses at the end of the citation or by mentioning during the text the last name of the author and including the page number in parentheses after the citation, this applies to all sources and authors that are cited once or multiple times except if the name of the author is not provided. According to this, in parenthetical documentation, you should include both the author's last name followed by a page number.