The dependent variable is that she bites her nails. Being nervous is an independent variable due to that it doesn't depend on anything said. However, in order for her to bite her nails, she has to be nervous as stated.
It can affect the developing of a global marketplace affect American workers because they can be employed or unemployed. Depending on the marketplace it can affect the economics and where the money is coming from.
The third one:
“I can’t wait to be old enough to vote,” said Felipe,
B because it restates other ideas to sum it up
It is true that money earned by a college graduate is more than a high school graduate. The value of college graduate degree is more than a graduate degree from school and it gives more job opportunities and earning opportunities to the students.
Career earnings of the college graduates is 71% - 136% more or higher than the career earning of high school graduates. It is estimated that over a lifetime, an average college graduate earns $570,000 more money than an average high school graduate.