ami tellement désolé tellement je ne connais pas cette langue mais salut mon ami
The difference in height between successive high and low tides is called the tidal range.
<h2>b) option is correct </h2>
- Some bacterial toxins cause disease by altering the activity of G protein, cholera toxin is one of them
- Cholera toxin catalyse ADP ribosylation of Gs and blocks GTPase activity thus Gs GTP become permanently active
- Constitutive activation of Gs protein continuously induce adenylyl cyclase, cytosolic cAMP level rises that leads to activation of protein kinase A (pKA)
- Activated pKA catalyse phosphorylation of two transmembrane proteins of intestinal epithelial cells:
- CFTR cause excessive outflow of Cl- ion and Na+ H+ exchange cause efflux of Na+ ion, both enters in gut and form Na+ Cl-
- Na+Cl- leads to outflow of water from the gut, resulting in diarrhea and dehydration and this condition may cause death of organisms due to loss of water and ions
1. Isabella wanted
2.She read and reviewed
3.She constructed a hypothesis
4.She submitted her proposal
5.Control groups
6.She collected
7.She reached a conclusion
8.she presented
I got it right