I suggest listening to Japanese/Native language translations.
The city council and mayor do not agree on most policies because to flout means to "openly disregard" meaning the council most likely does not care for the mayors proposals.
are people turning all their feelings towards themselves. It is being passive
or observant and does nothing to what is happening around him. Bully, is a
person who enjoys in pestering inferior people. When there is conflict, he
becomes aggressive on his surroundings, asking for fights. Extravert is a
person who likes the company of other people, when there is conflict,
extraverts becomes peacemakers.
<span> </span>
<span>достаточно удачливы
Грузоперевозки означает передвигаться в грузовике
waterlogged- означает полный воды
не sverhodarenny- ни малейшего представления
Эксплорер кто-то смотрит вокруг неизведанную территорию.
gutter- вещь, которая перемещает <span>воду</span></span>
•have family meetings
•try to make go out with each other
•or do family activities
Hiked this helped