It provides a sense of patriotism for our country, bringing people together.
Voluntary behaviors.
Operant conditioning can be defined as an associative learning process which involves reinforcing the strength of a behavior. Thus, the outcome depends on the response in operant conditioning.
A reinforcement of a desired behavior involves the process of strengthening a positive behavior being exhibited by an individual through the use of stimulus. Therefore, making the behavior to be exhibited in the future by the individual.
Basically, by reinforcing desired behaviors with rewards, parents, teachers and leaders can help people in building positive norms.
Hence, operant conditioning involves voluntary or desired behaviors.
Behavior modification is a therapeutic process that is focused on changing any undesirable negative behavior in an individual through the use of positive or negative consequence and biofeedback.
Behavior modification is typically based on operant conditioning principles, through negative or positive reinforcement, undesirable behaviors developed by an individual are mainly replaced with more desirable ones.
Behavior modification can also be used to correct human behaviors or disorders such as enuresis (bed-wetting), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), generalized anxiety disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), phobias, etc.
Trust is very important. If no one trusted each other, people would argue and wouldnt listen to anyone.
The smell of my spring
I smell it from my house
it's beautiful to feel that the meadow caresses me
Why is it that I feel that nothing else reaches me
the birds sing in the morning
Although they do not know how important their songs are
what I like most about the arrival of spring is the smell of ripe fruits
What makes even the sleepyhead not sleep like a caterpillar
the scent of cane is one of the strangest beauties
butterflies play in the air and among them are cuddly
until the moment comes when they shine of their beauty when they perch
I leave you the story of the 10 15 lines of spring, where circumstantial place expressed by nouns and pronouns.