1. A specific way in which the language describing goals and dreams differs from the one describing difficulties faced along the way is the use of images. When talking about goals and dreams the images convey a positive message by using words that have a positive connotation or that evoke a happy memory such as hope or rising song. In contrast, the writer uses dark images to appeal to negativity when referring to difficulties faced along the way, such as stony road and weary feet.
2. An element of structure that makes the text a lyric poem is the rhyme that at the end of the verses caused by similar ending sounds such as sing and ring. Also, the use of anaphoras (repetition of words at the beginning of the verses) adds musicality to the poem. An example of an anaphora in the poem is the following:
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.
Think of ways that you do things that other people do things differently than you.
Religion- different religions celebrate different holidays, different services (like church), some people aren't religious at all
Backgrounds/cultural identity- people come from all different places, some even from other countries. There are things like languages and foods and traditions that come with it
Social cliques- People tend to talk to those who are most like them, so there are different groups in environments of different people.
Convey means to show, demonstrate, express something
I think his only problem is B.) <span>capturing his audience's attention</span>