A support agent who feels that a user needs substantial assistance with the organization of files on their PC should p<span>oint the user to useful information about file organization.
Given that the user needs substantial assistance, the support agent cannot just simply explain to them what they need to do. He does, however, need to tell them where they can learn about what they need to know.
Media-queries.css should be linked last, the same as if your media queries were in the same file (always go last)
<u>Drop caps are a specific kind of initial letter, large letters that appear at the beginning of a block of text. ... A drop cap is often used to signify that the reader's moved into a significant new section, or that a new chapter's begun.</u>
<u>Drop caps are a specific kind of initial letter, large letters that appear at the beginning of a block of text. ... A drop cap is often used to signify that the reader's moved into a significant new section, or that a new chapter's begun.A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines. The following illustration shows your options for positioning a drop cap.</u>
on the job training
I would personally suggest on the job training. This is because it provides the new candidates specific experience on how the job will be on a day-to-day basis. This can drastically increase the performance of hired candidates since they will know exactly what and how to perform for that exact company. Also, it will help the candidates get acquainted with the other current employees and even get rid of candidates who would have eventually quit by showing them exactly what the job will be like. Some candidates will realize that the job is not right for them and simply give up and quit.
TThe while loop keeps going until count is greater than or equal to 10.
count = 0, sum = 0
count = 2, sum =2
count = 4, sum = 6
count = 6, sum = 12
count = 8, sum = 20
count = 10, sum = 30
Now that count is equal to 10, it exits the while loop and the program ends. The values above complete your trace table.