Answer:Magnetic forces are stronger closer to magnets. The Wednesday test launch stored more potential energy, and launched the spacecraft at a faster speed because the stronger magnetic field closer to the magnet resulted in a greater increase in potential energy.
a concave lens is exactly the opppostie with outer surfaces curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.
<span>The sun originates all the energy because without no sun, there is no plants, animals or anything .
When a cell is in G2 phase, it has already doubled in S phase its DNA, meaning that for each chromosome we have two chromatids -> 2n(number of chromosomes)×2(number of chromatids per chromosome)=number of chromatids.
If 160 is the number of chromatids on G2 phase of a chicken cell, it means that the cell has 80 chromosomes (2n), and after meiosis, process to form a sperm cell, will only have 40 chromosomes (n).
The GR is expressed in almost every cell in the body and regulates genes controlling the development, metabolism, and immune response.